Together We Can

Our Together We Can group focuses on mental and physical health in Leeds and beyond, trying to bring positive change and the insight of people with lived experience to how services are designed and run.
Together We Can is LIP’s lived experience mental health network. Feedback from members is passed on to mental health service providers across the city and helps to influence decision making and the way that services are designed and delivered.
Together We Can were co-authors of the Leeds Mental Health Framework 2014-2017, a major plan to change the way mental health support was delivered in the city. Members of the group were also instrumental in developing a set of six mental health ‘I Statements’ which outline what is expected from commissioned mental health services care and support.
Anyone with lived experience is welcome to join the group and make their opinions heard.
Perinatal Mental Health Steering Group
The Perinatal Mental Health Steering Group was formed to help us find out how services which offer emotional support to mums and their partners can be improved. We work with the NHS, Leeds City Council and other organisations who provide help when things get difficult. Members get together every month to share their experiences over a cup of tea or coffee. Travel and childcare costs are covered, or you can bring your child or children along. If you can’t or don’t want to join our group you can still get involved online.
If you or your partner experienced emotional or mental health problems during pregnancy or the first year of your baby’s life, we’d love you to join our friendly local group and help other expecting or new parents just like you.
Long-term Health Conditions Involvement Group
Our Long-term Health Conditions Involvement Group (LTC IG) connects those living with long-term health conditions (LTCs) with commissioners who are looking at innovative ways to support them and encourage independence. The group is for people who are either living with or caring for someone with cardiovascular or respiratory coniditions or Type 2 Diabetes.
The group meets informally once every two months. Members share their experiences of living with LTCs with service providers as well as each other. Being part of the group is a great way to contribute to discussion about services for people living with LTCs as well as to meet new people.
Previous work the group has been involved with includes the provision of Structured Education Programmes for people living with LTCs as well as Health Coaching, Digital Technologies, and Health Reviews.
“The Long term conditions involvement group are offering some valuable advice and feedback and we have recently used the advice to produce a service specification for an introductory structured education programme, which we will be offering to people in Leeds who have been diagnosed with a long term condition”
– Diane Burke, Health Improvement Principal Long Term Conditions, Public Health
LIP’s group for people who have had or have issues with substances or alcohol and mental health. The purpose of the network is to bring positive changes to services in this area by having conversations with the people who are in charge of them.
ZIP’s monthly meetings give members a chance to meet and talk to people who have had similar experiences, in a welcoming environment. They also provide the opportunity for members to develop their confidence, feel valued and promote positive attitudes. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided and bus fares can be reimbursed.
Home Care Reference Group
Leeds City Council want to work with people who have experiences of Leeds Community Home Care to gather their feedback and look at ways to improve the service that is provided. Leeds Involving People are recruiting members to be involved in shaping services to meet your needs.
“Community Home Care” is a simple way of describing the support that people receive to look after themselves and the homes they live in.
If you have experience of Home Care and would like to make positive change to these services, get in touch! There will be monthly meetings as well as training, reimbursement of reasonable expenditure, confidence building and opportunities to meet new people.
Leeds Co-production Meeting – Long-Term Conditions
As part of the Leeds Health and Care Plan, Leeds Involving People are working with Leeds City Council Public Health and the NHS to shape and influence local policy, strategy and good practice within health and care. This group is for people with lived experience of long-term conditions and disabilities.
MindWell College Planning Group
We are working together with the widest range of Leeds Health and Wellbeing services to bring our unique experiences to contribute to the development of MindWell College.
We are committed to making sure that the college and the courses offered by MindWell College are fully co-created, developed and run by people who have personal experience of using mental health services as well as people who work within those services.
MindWell College is different because it:
-Uses education as a model to move towards and beyond recovery.
-Provides a series of courses and workshops that will aim to help people to develop and use tools to manage their wellbeing.
-Aims to help people to become more confident and resilient.
-We want people using the college to join together, discover more of who they are, learn skills, find out what they can be and realise the unique contribution they have to offer.
If you would like to be involved in this exciting new venture in Leeds, we would love to hear from you.
-Getting involved in MindWell College Planning Group could be also a way to develop your confidence.
-Having your voice and ideas heard will help to have a positive impact on your wellbeing.
-Being part of the group means meeting monthly, and staying in touch by email and phone to bring our ideas and work on specific and focused tasks in developing all aspects of the MindWell College.
-We can offer to pay your travel expenses, and provide refreshments at the meetings.