Unity Business Centre 26 Roundhay Road Leeds LS7 1AB 0113 237 4508 info@leedsinvolvement.org.uk

13 February 2023 Comments Off

A vibrant Forum working in partnership with Leeds City Council, NHS West Yorkshire ICB and the Third Sector. This feeds into the Better Lives Board (Adults and Health) and various networks in the

13 February 2023 Comments Off

A vibrant Forum working in partnership with Leeds City Council, NHS West Yorkshire ICB and the Third Sector. This feeds into the Better Lives Board (Adults and Health) and various networks in the

13 February 2023 Comments Off

A vibrant Forum working in partnership with Leeds City Council, NHS West Yorkshire ICB and the Third Sector. This feeds into the Better Lives Board (Adults and Health) and various networks in the

13 February 2023 Comments Off

A vibrant Forum working in partnership with Leeds City Council, NHS West Yorkshire ICB and the Third Sector. This feeds into the Better Lives Board (Adults and Health) and various networks in the

13 February 2023 Comments Off

Leeds Involving People are working closely with Leeds Hearing and Sight Loss Service to review how their service is running: what works well and what can be improved. If you are deaf, hard

13 February 2023 Comments Off

Leeds Involving People are working closely with Leeds Hearing and Sight Loss Service to review how their service is running: what works well and what can be improved. If you are deaf, hard

13 February 2023 Comments Off

A vibrant Forum working in partnership with Leeds City Council, NHS West Yorkshire ICB and the Third Sector. This feeds into the Better Lives Board (Adults and Health) and various networks in the

13 February 2023 Comments Off

Together We Can is hosting an event as part of Celebrating Neurodiversity Week 2023. Come along for workshops, speakers, arts/crafts, fun/games and more! Lunch, travel expenses and BSL interpreters provided.